Bye Jacked

Larry and Willy and newsman Kerry Marshall gone from Jack FM – audience not happy, management not happy, stars not happy.

Who is happy?

From Facebook

On Wednesday, June 27th, our longtime newsman Kerry Marshall was fired by Jack management. On the same day we were presented with a list of conditions laying out revisions to our broadcast and alterations to our contract that we found unacceptable. As such , we were informed we would no longer be presenting the Jack morning show. In recent days we have been approached by Jack management to try and temper the situation by suggesting to you that we agreed to go our separate ways in a happy, mutual decision. This is entirely untrue, and we would be lying if we were to say otherwise. These events were brought on by decisions made by Jack management and our responses to them. The result ? We are no longer associated with Jack FM. We are however very excited about plans to return to Vancouver radio in the fall of next year ! Thank you for your support through this interesting time and for letting us come into your mornings for so many years ! Larry and Willy

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