
Ted Wendland

14 Responses to Contact

  1. scott kozak says:

    Greetings.. I have just recently come in contact with my birth family from Vernon BC. My grandfather was Don Warner of CJIB radio in Vernon… Would you have any Idea where I might be able to find recordings of his voice?

    Thanks in advance for any help you may be able to provide.

    Regards Scott Kozak

  2. Brent Morgan says:

    Hi, my grandfather was on radio and tv, sports editor of the Province newspaper 1940-60. Which you like information on him?

  3. George Orr says:

    I’m looking for the Bob Hutton interviews that I can’t find here… what am I missing?
    Interested in coffee?

  4. Bud Webb says:

    I’m representing the BC Country music ass we are inducting Bill Rea from CKNW into the hall of fame there is no one that we can find to give the award to do you people have a place that this could be displayed you can call me at 604-820-7322 thank’s

  5. Bill Chambers says:

    Any old timers remember where the Lorne Greene School of Broadcasting was located in Toronto?

  6. Anne says:


    Have one The Canadian VRL receiver functional and good shape including the power supply. We would like to know the actual value of the radio please.
    Also we have picked up a Yaesu FT DX 400 in mint condition with its matching speaker and also functional, for which we would like to know its actual value as well please if you don’t mind.

    Thanking you very much for your kind and appreciated help and attention to our request.

    Anne From Quebec Canada.

  7. Douglas Miller says:

    Is Scott Dixon still around? If so, do you have contact info for him?

  8. Hello Ted,

    My name is Chris MacArthur, I discovered your website this evening which I think is fantastic!

    I wanted to reach out to see if you may have any contact (or advice on how to contact) former CBC reporter Patrick Monroe. Mr. Monroe is a long-lost friend and former neighbour of my parents and having found this out only today and trying to get in touch …. I am a photographer / writer and often work for CBC, Maclean’s and the Globe & Mail.

    Hope you’re having an excellent weekend!


    Chris MacArthur

  9. James says:


    My father worked at the BC Pen. I was wondering when was this photo taken, was it before or after 1975?


  10. melanie watson says:

    Hi there!

    I am wondering if anyone has ever come across a pic of Sleep and Swede? My grandmother would go to the barn dances and talks of them to this day!

  11. jim macdonald says:

    Ted…a grand daughter recently left me red-of-face when she asked, “Thought you used to be in radio?” When I told her I started first at CHWK Chilliwack and subsequently moved through 14 years at CWKX, partnering with both Barry Clark and Bob Bye, followed by a solo effort at CFUN(CKVN) for 7 and lastly at CJOR in on and off air capacities. “Well I couldn’t find you at BC Radio,” replied my grand daughter. An inclusion at your sight would be appreciated.
    Compliments of the season, Jim Macdonald – tel 604 946 6756 e mail

  12. Rex Cawdry says:

    hi ,my name is Rex Cawdry
    my late father was George Cawdry. He was a radio personality in the 60`s
    I am having little luck finding anything regarding his history in broadcasting despite his being on a few stations including CJOR CKNW CFUN
    please, if you have anything to share with me I would appreciate it
    my father passed when I was two years old and I have almost no connection to him through pictures or otherwise. thank you for anything I might be able to collect and hold on to

  13. Bonny Billups says:

    I am Looking for a record cut in the forties by the okanagan river boys from bridesville

  14. I was the technician in CBC studio E (English FM in the Hotel Vancouver) when Bob Kerr dumped his (always a pain in the ****) electric typewriter onto the floor in the announce booth. I remember blue pieces of plastic being cleaned up for days after. It freaked the young female producer who was sitting in the control room but had no effect on any of the techs. Bob was always a joy to work with and even on his bad days he could make you laugh with one of his ‘off the cuff’ comments. He lived for radio and his programs. A true classic.

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