Engineer Bergquist
circa 1949 CJOR
Norman Eric Bergquist
Born July 17, 1916 in MacGregor, Manitoba, the son of Swedish
immigrants, Bergquist grew up on a farm where doing chores contributed to
shaping his character. In their high school years he and some friends had made
a few impromptu radio broadcasts and by the beginning of 1939 he had received a
certificate from Philco stating that he was “qualified to do guaranteed service
work on all makes of radios.” He served during WWII in the Canadian Signal Corp
and after the war worked for CKRC in Winnipeg starting in
January, 1946 where he assisted in the installation of new transmitter
facilities. He moved west about 1947 and was employed by CJOR in Vancouver, B.C. as an
Bergquist married Angela Kopp on March 19, 1949 in Vancouver and moved to Victoria in July, 1951 to
become Dave Armstrong's chief engineer at CKDA. He contributed to the
improvement of facilities there increasing transmitter power. His son, Jim
Bergquist says, "he came home one day and told our mother about the
problems that they were having finding a suitable site for a new transmitter in
Victoria and Mom asked if there was somewhere off shore that they could use.
Dad and the others looked around and they found the Chatham Island (a native owned
island about 9 km SE of the Royal Victoria Yacht Club) location for their three
tower antenna and transmitter facility. Maintenance of the facilities involved
trips to and from the island aboard the ‘Chatham Chief’. This boat ended up on
the rocks at least once that I know of but the family got off ok although there
was some concern about the boat sinking. There was a time when Dad was stranded
on the island and had to swim over to Discovery Island under poor
conditions in order to use a phone to call for help. The barnacles there were a
hazard but he did manage to get ashore with some cuts as a result. During a
severe storm one year the ‘Chatham Chief’ sank while anchored at the yacht club
and had to be replaced by a new boat. The story made the local papers.”
“In the mid 1950s Dave Armstrong et al. decided to extend
their interests to include television with the construction of CHEK-TV in
Victoria and Dad became the chief engineer in addition to holding the chief
engineer position at CKDA. The transmitter facilities were located on Saturna
Island about midway between Victoria and Vancouver and a 29 ft. cabin cruiser
named the ‘Saturna Chief’ served as a link to the island for the TV station.
Dad supervised and assisted in the installation of the television transmitter
equipment on Saturna Island. About 1960
CHEK-TV did some live broadcasts from the PNE in Vancouver which
demonstrated the use of ‘satellite stations’ for television remotes. One time
Dad had to check the station’s signal strength at various locations on
Vancouver Island, so he added a receiver and a set of ‘rabbit ears’ to the
family car and when he was driving about people would ask him if he had
television in the car. He would answer that he could only get the audio portion
of the signal.”
“In July, 1962 Dad, Mom and now 5 children moved to Fresno, California where Dad found
a position at KJEO-TV as an engineer. His initial position was as a Video Tape
Technician but this was a time when television in the US was switching
from B & W to color so there were a lot of equipment changes. During the
sixties the technology switched from tubes to transistors which made the
equipment more reliable but also introduced more complexity. After five years
when he was able to become a US citizen, he was
able to get a 1st class radio operator's license which enabled him to again
work with transmitters and assist in providing support for live remotes in the Fresno area such as an
annual telethon from a local auditorium with guest stars from around California. Dad retired
from television in 1978."
Suffering from prostate cancer he died on August 10, 1992.

Broadcast Engineer
CKRC (CKRX - CKRO) 1946-1947
TransCanada Communications Limited
CJOR 1947 -1951
CKDA 1951 - 1962
CHEK-TV 1955 - 1962
KJEO-TV 1962-1978
Fresno, California
Bergquist Collection
staff photo shows Bill Rea and
Dave Armstrong seated bottom left and Norman Bergquist top row left
staff photo shows Norman Bergquist on back row second from left
window south of Grosvenor Hotel entrance on Howe
art deco big studio entrance on opposite side of street
Pictures submitted by Jim Bergquist
BC Radio History