Brian Coxford
CKPR-TV Thunder
Bay; reporter CKNW – early seventies; reporter
BCTV/Global Vancouver
Brian Coxford
has been with Global BC in Vancouver for more
than 30 years. He started his journalism career in Thunder
Bay Ontario at a
local radio station as a news reporter. Brian then decided to move out to the
West Coast and worked briefly at CKNW before moving over to BCTV.
A senior reporter in the news team,
Brian investigates major stories and has a knack for understanding what topics
and issues are of most importance to his viewers.
He recently won a Jack Webster Award
for Best Television Feature for his Eurohealth series
in which he traveled to Europe to
examine several health-care systems and found that they were among the best in
the world. Countries like France, Germany, Switzerland and Netherlands do not
have waiting lists and have a combination of private and public health-care
systems. He also went to Britain, which
shares the same healthcare problems as Canada, but
unlike us, is reforming to bring it up to speed with
its European Partners. His findings show that Canadians are not getting the
same care, even though they spend about the same as Europeans.
His feature also won a 2005 Gold
Ribbon Award from the Canadian Association of Broadcasters for the Best
Television News Special, as well as the Dan McArthur Award for
in-depth/investigative reporting from the B.C. Radio-Television News Directors
BC Radio History